My Favorite Things: Norwegian Ski Cheese

Well, with this new year, I’ve decided to add another category to my blog. It will be called My Favorite Things, and will feature products that I truly love. A recent purchase was the inspiration for this addition to my website.

I found an old favorite food on a recent grocery shopping excursion: Gjetost cheese. I discovered this Norwegian ski cheese many years ago, and couldn’t get enough of it. Gjetost (pronounced YAY-toast) is a brown colored cheese made from caramelized milk/whey, and it has a sweet taste and a creamy, chewy, fudge-like texture. It’s like a cheese version of eating a caramel. I came to love it and for a while it was the only cheese I ate. But for whatever reason, I hadn’t purchased it in quite some time.

Well, I found it in a local store within the last week or so and bought a cube of it. It was every bit as delicious as I remembered. So how do I enjoy it? I actually eat it all by itself, though a lot of people like to have it for breakfast on toast or with coffee. As for the reason why it is called ski cheese… from what I understand, Norwegians pack it for consumption while they travel via xc skiing because it holds up so well.

The most common brand of gjetost found in the USA is Ski Queen. I have always found it in grocery stores, rather than in specialty cheese shops. Gjetost really is a unique cheese, so if you like sweet, creamy foods, why not give it a try?